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  • 1. Who can seal a well?

    Only a licensed water well contractor.
    (This is not a do it yourself project.)

  • 2. What if a home owner sealed a well?

    If an old well is found with debris or other material in it, it is required by law to be cleared and sealed correctly by a licensed water well contractor.

  • 3. I can't find the well. What do I do now?

    Call in a licensed professional (That’s us!) and we will do some investigation. Remodeling and age of the property are some issues that affect finding an old well.

  • 4. The glass block is gone and we built over the well room, can you still seal the well?

    Yes, we have specialized equipment that we can use inside the well room.

  • 5. What happens to the tank and all the well equipment?

    All well related equipment is removed unless pre-arranged with the owner.

  • 6. We are remodeling our house, should we seal the well before or after we do this?

    BEFORE you remodel, please. Well sealing involves water, cement, rusty pipes, dirt and a lot of walking in and out to get equipment. Well room’s are generally not the cleanest area of the house. We don’t want to carry all of the above over your new white carpeting.